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set of healthcare activity periods where a healthcare provider is mandated to perform the healthcare activities required to address specific health needs


This is a concrete item and can be implemented directly

Term: mandated period of care; 
Synonym: commissioned period of care; 
Plural: mandated periods of care; 
Deprecated term: period of healthcare; period of care; 


NOTE 1 The mandated period of care is focused upon the framework of a care commitment of the provider as well as the mandate from the subject of care, which means that the roles and responsibilities of both the interacting parts are respected.

NOTE 2 Whenever the healthcare provider considered in a mandated period of care is a healthcare organization, this mandated period of care encompasses all healthcare activity periods with healthcare professionals who have a role in that healthcare organization.

NOTE 3 A mandated period of care may be part of another mandated period of care.

NOTE 4 In EN 13940-1:2007 period of care was the preferred term for this concept.

NOTE 5 The relevant information describing and produced during the healthcare activities performed as a part of a mandated period of care is recorded in one or more professional health records.


EXAMPLES A hospital stay, a series of radiotherapy sessions at an outpatient clinic.

Diagrammatic representation

1 1 ◄ commissions 1 1..* is responsible for ► 1..* 1..* includes ► 1 1..* has care period mandate for ► 1..* 1..* 1 0..* 1..* 1..* is documented in ► 1..* 1 ◄ concerns healthcare activity delay: health related period during which a healthcare activity is planned but not started healthcare activity delay health related period: time interval related to the health of a subject of care and/or the provision of healthcare for that subject of care health related period clinical process: healthcare process encompassing all healthcare provider activities and other prescribed healthcare activities that addresses identified or specified health issues clinical process discharge report: clinical report concerning a completed, mandated period of care discharge report healthcare activity period: time interval during which healthcare activities are performed for a subject of care healthcare activity period mandated period of care: set of healthcare activity periods where a healthcare provider is mandated to perform the healthcare activities required to address specific health needs mandated period of care healthcare provider: healthcare actor that is able to be assigned one or more care period mandates healthcare provider professional health record: health record held under the responsibility of one healthcare provider and maintained by one or several healthcare professionals professional health record care period mandate: healthcare mandate commissioning a mandated period of care care period mandate
mandated period of care

Simple graph - mandated period of care

Required associations

exactly one healthcare provider has care period mandate for one or more mandated periods of care
exactly one healthcare provider is responsible for one or more mandated periods of care
one or more clinical processes includes one or more mandated periods of care
one or more healthcare activity periods one or more mandated periods of care
one or more mandated periods of care is documented in one or more professional health records
exactly one care period mandate commissions exactly one mandated period of care
one or more discharge reports concerns exactly one mandated period of care

Optional associations

exactly one mandated period of care a number of healthcare activity delays