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healthcare actor with a person role; who seeks to receive, is receiving, or has received healthcare


This is a concrete item and can be implemented directly

Term: subject of care; 
Synonym: subject of healthcare; service user; patient; client; 
Plural: subjects of care; 


NOTE A fœtus may be considered as a subject of care when receiving healthcare.


EXAMPLES A treated patient, a client of a physiotherapist, each particular member of a target population for screening, each particular member of a group of diabetic people attending a session of medical education, a person seeking health advice.

Diagrammatic representation

0..* 1 has the right to take decisions on behalf of ► 1 0..* ◄ has or has had 1 1 ◄ has 1 0..* expresses ► 1 0..* participates in ► 1..* 1 concerns ► 0..* 1..* ◄ supports 1 1 ◄ has 1 0..* maintains ► 1..* 1 is performed for ► 1..* 1..* seeks to receive, is receiving, or has received 1 0..* ◄ gives 1 0..* ◄ states 0..* 1 ◄ is caused by 1 1 has ► 1..* 1 ◄ concerns 0..* 1 ◄ is expressed by 1 0..* ◄ performs 1..* 1 ◄ concerns 1..* 1 is performed for ► subject of care proxy: healthcare third party having person role with the right to take decisions on behalf of the subject of care subject of care proxy health need: deficit in the current health state compared to aspects of a desired future health state health need contact: interaction between a subject of care and one or more healthcare personnel contact subject of care desire: desire expressed by the subject of care or the subject of care proxy regarding the performance of certain healthcare activities subject of care desire consent competence: capability of the subject of care and/or the subject of care proxy to give informed consent or dissent consent competence healthcare matter: representation of a matter related to the health of a subject of care and/or the provision of healthcare to that subject of care, as identified by one or more healthcare actors healthcare matter next of kin: person role being either the closest living relative of the subject of care or identified as the one he has a close relationship with next of kin subject of care preference delay: healthcare activity delay by the preference of the subject of care, where there is neither a health condition delay nor a resource delay subject of care preference delay dissent: refusal to permit specific healthcare activities to be performed dissent informed consent: permission to perform healthcare activities, voluntarily given by a subject of care having consent competence, or by a subject of care proxy, after having been informed about the purpose and the possible results of the healthcare activities informed consent healthcare: care activities, services, management or supplies related to the health of an individual healthcare healthcare process: set of interrelated or interacting healthcare activities which transforms inputs into outputs healthcare process personal health record: health record held and maintained by the subject of care or a subject of care proxy personal health record health record: data repository regarding the health and healthcare of a subject of care health record reason for demand for care: subject of care or a subject of care proxy's perception of health needs motivating a demand for care reason for demand for care health state: physical and mental functions, body structure, personal factors, activity, participation and environmental aspects as the composite health of a subject of care health state subject of care: healthcare actor with a person role; who seeks to receive, is receiving, or has received healthcare subject of care self-care activity: healthcare activity performed by the subject of care self-care activity healthcare third party: healthcare actor other than a healthcare provider or the subject of care healthcare third party healthcare mandate: mandate (commission) based on a commitment and either an informed consent or an authorization by law, defining the rights and obligations of one healthcare actor with regard to his involvement in healthcare processes performed for a specific subject of care healthcare mandate healthcare activity: activity intended directly or indirectly to improve or maintain a health state healthcare activity healthcare actor: organization or person participating in healthcare healthcare actor person role: role of a person person role
subject of care

Simple graph - subject of care

Required associations

exactly one subject of care has exactly one health state
one or more subjects of care seeks to receive, is receiving, or has received one or more healthcares
one or more healthcare matters concerns exactly one subject of care
one or more healthcare activities is performed for exactly one subject of care
one or more healthcare processes is performed for exactly one subject of care
one or more healthcare mandates concerns exactly one subject of care
one or more health records concerns exactly one subject of care

Optional associations

up to one subject of care maintains a number of personal health records
up to one subject of care gives a number of informed consents
up to one subject of care states a number of dissents
exactly one subject of care has up to one next of kin
exactly one subject of care performs a number of self-care activities
up to one subject of care has up to one consent competence
up to one subject of care expresses a number of subject of care desires
exactly one subject of care participates in a number of contacts
exactly one subject of care has or has had a number of health needs
a number of healthcare third parties supports one or more subjects of care
a number of subject of care proxies has the right to take decisions on behalf of exactly one subject of care
a number of subject of care preference delays is caused by exactly one subject of care
a number of reason for demand for cares is expressed by up to one subject of care


    person role
    healthcare actor
subject of care


subject of care