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acceptance of a healthcare mandate by the healthcare actor to whom it is assigned


This is a concrete item and can be implemented directly

Term: healthcare commitment; 
Synonym: care commitment; 
Plural: healthcare commitments; 


NOTE 1 The healthcare commitment is the promise by the healthcare actor to perform healthcare activities. This also means that the healthcare provider accepts and confirms the pending healthcare mandate issued through the proposed care plan.

NOTE 2 Implicitly, a healthcare commitment results from a dialogue with the subject of care or someone on behalf of the subject of care within a healthcare needs assessment


Diagrammatic representation

Simple graph - healthcare commitment

Required associations

exactly one healthcare provider states one or more healthcare commitments
exactly one healthcare mandate requires exactly one healthcare commitment
up to one healthcare commitment relates to the provision of one or more healthcare activities

Optional associations

up to one referral asks for exactly one healthcare commitment


healthcare commitment


healthcare commitment