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healthcare actor that is able to be assigned one or more care period mandates


This is a concrete item and can be implemented directly

Term: healthcare provider; 
Synonym: healthcare service provider; health service provider; health provider; care provider; 
Plural: healthcare providers; 


NOTE 1 The personnel of a healthcare organization that is a healthcare provider may include both healthcare professionals and others which participate in the provision of healthcare.

NOTE 2 This International Standard includes only two specializations of healthcare provider. This is not meant to exclude the possibility of other specializations. In jurisdictions where other kinds of healthcare actors are included in the concept of healthcare provider, the necessary specializations may be added.

NOTE 3 According to this definition, organizations solely responsible for the funding, payment, or reimbursement of healthcare provision are not healthcare providers; for the purpose of this International Standard they are considered as healthcare third parties.


Diagrammatic representation

1 1..* is responsible for ► 1 0..* performs ► 1 1..* ◄ is able to be assigned 1 1..* ◄ receives 1 1..* has care period mandate for ► 1 1..* states ► 1 0..* arranges ► 0..* 1..* ◄ provides 1 1..* ◄ accepts or denies 1 0..* ◄ is responsible for 1 0..* ◄ manages 1 0..* ◄ is responsible for 1..* 1..* performs ► 1 1 has ► healthcare resource management: activities to direct and control the supply and use of the healthcare resources required to perform healthcare activities healthcare resource management episode of care: health related period during which healthcare activities are performed to address one health issue as identified by one healthcare professional[ episode of care resource delay: healthcare activity delay caused by resource constraints where there is no health condition delay resource delay healthcare: care activities, services, management or supplies related to the health of an individual healthcare healthcare activity directory: directory of the healthcare activities offered by a healthcare provider healthcare activity directory initial contact: contact during which a clinical process is initiated initial contact healthcare commitment: acceptance of a healthcare mandate by the healthcare actor to whom it is assigned healthcare commitment healthcare provider: healthcare actor that is able to be assigned one or more care period mandates healthcare provider professional health record: health record held under the responsibility of one healthcare provider and maintained by one or several healthcare professionals professional health record care period mandate: healthcare mandate commissioning a mandated period of care care period mandate demand for care: demand for healthcare provider activities expressed by a healthcare actor demand for care healthcare provider activity: healthcare activity performed by a healthcare provider healthcare provider activity mandated period of care: set of healthcare activity periods where a healthcare provider is mandated to perform the healthcare activities required to address specific health needs mandated period of care healthcare professional: healthcare personnel having a healthcare professional entitlement recognized in a given jurisdiction healthcare professional healthcare actor: organization or person participating in healthcare healthcare actor healthcare organization: healthcare provider having an organization role healthcare organization
healthcare provider

Simple graph - healthcare provider

Required associations

exactly one healthcare provider states one or more healthcare commitments
exactly one healthcare provider has care period mandate for one or more mandated periods of care
exactly one healthcare provider receives one or more demand for cares
exactly one healthcare provider accepts or denies one or more demand for cares
a number of healthcare providers provides one or more healthcares
one or more healthcare providers performs one or more healthcare provider activities
exactly one healthcare provider has exactly one healthcare activity directory
exactly one healthcare provider is able to be assigned one or more care period mandates
exactly one healthcare provider is responsible for one or more mandated periods of care

Optional associations

exactly one healthcare provider arranges a number of initial contacts
exactly one healthcare provider is responsible for a number of resource delays
exactly one healthcare provider manages a number of episodes of care
exactly one healthcare provider is responsible for a number of professional health records
exactly one healthcare provider performs a number of healthcare resource managements