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data repository regarding the health and healthcare of a subject of care


This is an abstract item and should be implemented through one of the concrete specialisations

Term: health record; 
Plural: health records; 


NOTE 1 The term electronic health record may be used for a health record where all information is stored on electronic media. However, this concept is not formally defined in this International Standard.

NOTE 2 A health record may include, for example, medical records, dental records, social care records.


Diagrammatic representation

0..* 1..* is stored on ► 1..* 1..* ◄ maintains 1..* 0..* is documented in ► 0..* 0..* ◄ is recorded in 0..* 0..* is recorded in ► 1..* 0..* implies access to ► 0..* 0..* is recorded in ► 0..* 0..* ◄ is recorded in 0..* 1..* 0..* 1 ◄ is extracted from 0..* 1..* ◄ is accessed during 0..* 1..* ◄ is accessed during 1..* 1 concerns ► 1..* 0..* is recorded in ► medium (duplicate): material on which data is stored (e.g., a magnetic disk) medium (duplicate) care plan: dynamic, personalized plan including identified needed healthcare activities, health objectives and healthcare goals, relating to one or more specified health issues in a healthcare process care plan subject of care desire: desire expressed by the subject of care or the subject of care proxy regarding the performance of certain healthcare activities subject of care desire healthcare process: set of interrelated or interacting healthcare activities which transforms inputs into outputs healthcare process healthcare documenting: healthcare activity element where health records are created or maintained healthcare documenting data repository: an identifiable data storage facility data repository health record extract: part or all of a health record extracted for the purpose of communication health record extract professional health record: health record held under the responsibility of one healthcare provider and maintained by one or several healthcare professionals professional health record healthcare mandate: mandate (commission) based on a commitment and either an informed consent or an authorization by law, defining the rights and obligations of one healthcare actor with regard to his involvement in healthcare processes performed for a specific subject of care healthcare mandate healthcare activity period: time interval during which healthcare activities are performed for a subject of care healthcare activity period health record: data repository regarding the health and healthcare of a subject of care health record personal health record: health record held and maintained by the subject of care or a subject of care proxy personal health record non-ratified healthcare information: healthcare information the relevance of which has not been assessed and explicitly stated as valid by a healthcare professional non-ratified healthcare information healthcare activity: activity intended directly or indirectly to improve or maintain a health state healthcare activity health record component: part of a health record that is identifiable for the purposes of referencing and revision health record component subject of care: healthcare actor with a person role; who seeks to receive, is receiving, or has received healthcare subject of care
health record

health_record 129 health record 39 healthcare activity 129->39 is accessed during 125 health record component 129->125 81 healthcare activity period 129->81 is accessed during 3 subject of care 129->3 concerns 137 medium (duplicate) 129->137 is stored on 39->129 is recorded in 39->39 63 healthcare process 39->63 39->81 is performed during 39->3 is performed for 60 healthcare documenting 60->129 maintains 63->129 is documented in 63->63 72 care plan 63->72 is planned in 63->3 is performed for 72->129 is recorded in 72->39 72->72 100 healthcare mandate 100->129 implies access to 100->129 is recorded in 100->63 regulates 100->100 derives from 100->3 concerns 114 subject of care desire 114->129 is recorded in 114->100 influences 124 non-ratified healthcare information 124->129 is recorded in 125->125 3->114 expresses 133 health record extract 133->129 is extracted from 133->125 167 data repository 167->129

Simple graph - health record

Required associations

one or more healthcare activities is recorded in a number of health records
one or more healthcare documentings maintains one or more health records
one or more healthcare processes is documented in a number of health records
one or more healthcare mandates implies access to a number of health records
a number of health records one or more health record components
a number of health records is accessed during one or more healthcare activities
a number of health records is accessed during one or more healthcare activity periods
one or more health records concerns exactly one subject of care
a number of health records is stored on one or more media

Optional associations

a number of care plans is recorded in a number of health records
a number of healthcare mandates is recorded in a number of health records
a number of subject of care desires is recorded in a number of health records
a number of non-ratified healthcare informations is recorded in a number of health records
a number of health record extracts is extracted from exactly one health record