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representation of a matter related to the health of a subject of care and/or the provision of healthcare to that subject of care, as identified by one or more healthcare actors


This is a concrete item and can be implemented directly

Term: healthcare matter; 
Synonym: care matter; 
Plural: healthcare matters; 


NOTE 1 healthcare matter is a very broad and flexible concept that includes anything related to the health or the healthcare of a subject of care. This means that health conditions, healthcare activities, health problems, the result of healthcare activities, etc. all are possible to be identified as healthcare matters. Thereby healthcare matter might have several specializations and further associations.

NOTE 2 According to this definition, a healthcare matter can represent a disease, an illness or another kind of health condition. In addition a healthcare matter may represent, for example, a request for a procedure (therapeutic or preventive) by the subject of care or another healthcare actor.

NOTE 3 concepts described and/or identified in a clinical terminology may represent types of healthcare matter.

NOTE 4 Other specializations of this concept than those included in this International Standard, may be created when needed.


EXAMPLES A loss of weight, an immunization, a heart attack, a drug addiction, a case of meningitis in the school, a water fluoridation, a health certificate, an injury, dermatitis, an X-ray investigation, an arthroscopy, an administration of an oral antibiotic, a post-operative infection.

Diagrammatic representation

1..* 1 0..* 1..* ◄ has topic 0..* 1..* has topic ► 0..* 1..* ◄ attests 0..* 0..* links ► 1 0..* is used as label for 1 0..* is used as label for 1..* 1 ◄ concerns 0..* 1..* ◄ has topic 1 0..* identifies or states ► demand mandate: healthcare mandate implying the right and obligation to demand healthcare activities demand mandate care period mandate: healthcare mandate commissioning a mandated period of care care period mandate demand for care: demand for healthcare provider activities expressed by a healthcare actor demand for care certificate related to a healthcare matter: official document issued by a healthcare actor attesting healthcare matters relating to a subject of care certificate related to a healthcare matter healthcare matter: representation of a matter related to the health of a subject of care and/or the provision of healthcare to that subject of care, as identified by one or more healthcare actors healthcare matter health record extract: part or all of a health record extracted for the purpose of communication health record extract healthcare actor: organization or person participating in healthcare healthcare actor health issue: representation of an issue related to the health of a subject of care as identified by one or more healthcare actors health issue health thread: defined association between healthcare matters as determined by one or more healthcare actors health thread subject of care: healthcare actor with a person role; who seeks to receive, is receiving, or has received healthcare subject of care health record component: part of a health record that is identifiable for the purposes of referencing and revision health record component mandate to export personal information: healthcare mandate implying the right to communicate health record extracts mandate to export personal information
healthcare matter

Simple graph - healthcare matter

Required associations

exactly one healthcare actor identifies or states a number of healthcare matters
one or more healthcare matters concerns exactly one subject of care

Optional associations

a number of health threads links a number of healthcare matters
up to one healthcare matter is used as label for a number of health record components
up to one healthcare matter is used as label for a number of health record extracts
a number of care period mandates has topic one or more healthcare matters
a number of demand for cares concerns one or more healthcare matters
a number of demand mandates has topic one or more healthcare matters
a number of mandate to export personal informations has topic one or more healthcare matters
a number of certificate related to a healthcare matters attests one or more healthcare matters


healthcare matter


healthcare matter
    health issue
        health condition
            health problem
            potential health condition
                considered condition
                    working diagnosis
                    excluded condition
                prognostic condition
                risk condition
                target condition
            observed condition
                resultant condition
                professionally assessed condition
                    working diagnosis