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healthcare third party having person role with the right to take decisions on behalf of the subject of care


This is a concrete item and can be implemented directly

Term: subject of care proxy; 
Synonym: subject of care agent; 
Plural: subject of care proxies; 


NOTE In ISO/TS 21298 subject of care agent is the preferred term for this concept.


Diagrammatic representation

1 0..* ◄ expresses 0..* 1 ◄ has the right to take decisions on behalf of 0..* 0..* ◄ maintains 1 0..* states ► 1 0..* gives ► 0..* 0..* is expressed by ► 0..* 1 has ► subject of care: healthcare actor with a person role; who seeks to receive, is receiving, or has received healthcare subject of care subject of care desire: desire expressed by the subject of care or the subject of care proxy regarding the performance of certain healthcare activities subject of care desire personal health record: health record held and maintained by the subject of care or a subject of care proxy personal health record consent competence: capability of the subject of care and/or the subject of care proxy to give informed consent or dissent consent competence dissent: refusal to permit specific healthcare activities to be performed dissent informed consent: permission to perform healthcare activities, voluntarily given by a subject of care having consent competence, or by a subject of care proxy, after having been informed about the purpose and the possible results of the healthcare activities informed consent reason for demand for care: subject of care or a subject of care proxy's perception of health needs motivating a demand for care reason for demand for care subject of care proxy: healthcare third party having person role with the right to take decisions on behalf of the subject of care subject of care proxy healthcare third party: healthcare actor other than a healthcare provider or the subject of care healthcare third party person role: role of a person person role
subject of care proxy

Simple graph - subject of care proxy

Required associations

a number of subject of care proxies has exactly one consent competence
a number of subject of care proxies has the right to take decisions on behalf of exactly one subject of care

Optional associations

up to one subject of care proxy gives a number of informed consents
up to one subject of care proxy states a number of dissents
a number of subject of care proxies maintains a number of personal health records
up to one subject of care proxy expresses a number of subject of care desires
a number of reason for demand for cares is expressed by a number of subject of care proxies


        healthcare actor
    healthcare third party
    person role
subject of care proxy


subject of care proxy