# Copyright Oughtibridge Ltd
digraph "element"
# label="element"
size="8.8 12" # Keep within 8.8" wide, 12" deep
node [shape=box style=rounded] # Defines the common node specification
# Diagram specific parameters - override any above
# Start of the main graph
# List of concepts
204 [label="element" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/element" tooltip="electronic health record component within an entry or cluster containing a single data value" color="#0000ff"]
#data value
213 [label="data value" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/data_value" tooltip="data contained in an element" color="#0000ff"]
200 [label="item" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/item" tooltip="abstract structure component that holds all properties common for clusters and elements" color="#0000ff"]
200 [label="item" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/item" tooltip="abstract structure component that holds all properties common for clusters and elements" color="#0000ff"]
203 [label="entry" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/entry" tooltip="structure componentthat represents the data documenting one clinical observation or a series of related observations, or a clinical statement, an explanation of clinical reasoning, a healthcare intention, plan or action." color="#0000ff"]
216 [label="cluster" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/cluster" tooltip="structure component used for creating hierarchical structures within an entry and with elements as leaf nodes" color="#0000ff"]
#electronic health record component
128 [label="electronic health record component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/electronic_health_record_component" tooltip="health record component which only includes information in electronic format" color="#d88d1f"]
#electronic health record component
128 [label="electronic health record component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/electronic_health_record_component" tooltip="health record component which only includes information in electronic format" color="#d88d1f"]
#electronic health record extract
121 [label="electronic health record extract" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/electronic_health_record_extract" tooltip="health record extract consisting solely of electronic record components" color="#d88d1f"]
#attestation information
219 [label="attestation information" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/attestation_information" tooltip="base component documenting the details of an attestation of a set of electronic health record components" color="#0000ff"]
#health record component
125 [label="health record component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_record_component" tooltip="part of a health record that is identifiable for the purposes of referencing and revision" color="#d88d1f"]
#health record component
125 [label="health record component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_record_component" tooltip="part of a health record that is identifiable for the purposes of referencing and revision" color="#d88d1f"]
#healthcare matter
33 [label="healthcare matter" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/healthcare_matter" tooltip="representation of a matter related to the health of a subject of care and/or the provision of healthcare to that subject of care, as identified by one or more healthcare actors" color="#58d81f"]
#health record component
125 [label="health record component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_record_component" tooltip="part of a health record that is identifiable for the purposes of referencing and revision" color="#d88d1f"]
#health record component
125 [label="health record component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_record_component" tooltip="part of a health record that is identifiable for the purposes of referencing and revision" color="#d88d1f"]
#health record
129 [label="health record" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_record" tooltip="data repository regarding the health and healthcare of a subject of care" color="#d88d1f"]
#health record extract
133 [label="health record extract" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_record_extract" tooltip="part or all of a health record extracted for the purpose of communication" color="#d88d1f"]
#certificate related to a healthcare matter
135 [label="certificate related to a healthcare matter" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/certificate_related_to_a_healthcare_matter" tooltip="official document issued by a healthcare actor attesting healthcare matters relating to a subject of care" color="#d88d1f"]
#base component
217 [label="base component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/base_component" tooltip="abstract class that include the properties common for all revisable classes included in EHR extract" color="#0000ff"]
#base component
217 [label="base component" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/base_component" tooltip="abstract class that include the properties common for all revisable classes included in EHR extract" color="#0000ff"]
199 [label="link" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/link" tooltip="base component that describes an association from information in an EHR extract to other information within that EHR extract" color="#0000ff"]
199 [label="link" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/link" tooltip="base component that describes an association from information in an EHR extract to other information within that EHR extract" color="#0000ff"]
#audit information
218 [label="audit information" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/audit_information" tooltip="documentation of the details of a revision of a base component" color="#0000ff"]
#List of generalisations and specialisations
#electronic health record component IS A health record component
125 -> 128 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="electronic health record component is a type of health record component" fontname="Cambria"]
#element IS A electronic health record component
128 -> 204 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="element is a type of electronic health record component" fontname="Cambria"]
#electronic health record extract IS A health record extract
133 -> 121 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="electronic health record extract is a type of health record extract" fontname="Cambria"]
#element IS A item
200 -> 204 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="element is a type of item" fontname="Cambria"]
#cluster IS A item
200 -> 216 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="cluster is a type of item" fontname="Cambria"]
#electronic health record component IS A base component
217 -> 128 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="electronic health record component is a type of base component" fontname="Cambria"]
#link IS A base component
217 -> 199 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="link is a type of base component" fontname="Cambria"]
#attestation information IS A base component
217 -> 219 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="attestation information is a type of base component" fontname="Cambria"]
# List of associations
#0..1 healthcare matter is used as label for 0..* health record component
33 -> 125 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="is used as label for" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..1 healthcare matter is used as label for 0..* health record extract
33 -> 133 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="is used as label for" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* electronic health record extract 1..* electronic health record component
121 -> 128 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* health record component 0..* health record component
125 -> 125 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* health record 1..* health record component
129 -> 125 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* health record extract is extracted from 1 health record
133 -> 129 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="is extracted from" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* health record extract 1..* health record component
133 -> 125 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* certificate related to a healthcare matter attests 1..* healthcare matter
135 -> 33 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="attests" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* certificate related to a healthcare matter 1..* health record component
135 -> 125 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* link target 0..1 base component
199 -> 217 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="target" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* link source 0..1 base component
199 -> 217 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="source" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..1 entry 0..* item
203 -> 200 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..1 element 0..1 data value
204 -> 213 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..1 cluster 0..* item
216 -> 200 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 base component 0..* audit information
217 -> 218 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* attestation information target 1..* electronic health record component
219 -> 128 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="target" fontname="Cambria"]
Some PS