# Copyright Oughtibridge Ltd
digraph "health_problem_list"
# label="health problem list"
size="8.8 12" # Keep within 8.8" wide, 12" deep
node [shape=box style=rounded] # Defines the common node specification
# Diagram specific parameters - override any above
# Start of the main graph
# List of concepts
#health problem list
27 [label="health problem list" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_problem_list" tooltip="health thread linking a set of health problems" color="#58d81f"]
#health thread
16 [label="health thread" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_thread" tooltip="defined association between healthcare matters as determined by one or more healthcare actors" color="#58d81f"]
#health thread
16 [label="health thread" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_thread" tooltip="defined association between healthcare matters as determined by one or more healthcare actors" color="#58d81f"]
#healthcare actor
7 [label="healthcare actor" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/healthcare_actor" tooltip="organization or person participating in healthcare" color="#9f1fd8"]
#episodes of care bundle
83 [label="episodes of care bundle" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/episodes_of_care_bundle" tooltip="group of episodes of care delineated by a health thread" color="#085221"]
#health thread
16 [label="health thread" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_thread" tooltip="defined association between healthcare matters as determined by one or more healthcare actors" color="#58d81f"]
#health thread
16 [label="health thread" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_thread" tooltip="defined association between healthcare matters as determined by one or more healthcare actors" color="#58d81f"]
#healthcare matter
33 [label="healthcare matter" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/healthcare_matter" tooltip="representation of a matter related to the health of a subject of care and/or the provision of healthcare to that subject of care, as identified by one or more healthcare actors" color="#58d81f"]
#health concern
136 [label="health concern" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/health_concern" tooltip="health record extract that includes all health record components associated with a health thread for a specific concern" color="#d88d1f"]
#care plan
72 [label="care plan" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/care_plan" tooltip="dynamic, personalized plan including identified needed healthcare activities, health objectives and healthcare goals, relating to one or more specified health issues in a healthcare process" color="#6699cc"]
#continuity facilitator mandate
102 [label="continuity facilitator mandate" fontname="Cambria" URL="https://contsys.org/concept/continuity_facilitator_mandate" tooltip="healthcare mandate assigning the right and obligation to monitor and coordinate the delivery of care described in those care period mandates related to healthcare matters linked by specific health threads" color="#376fa6"]
#List of generalisations and specialisations
#health problem list IS A health thread
16 -> 27 [arrowtail="onormal" dir="back" color="blue" label="" tooltip="health problem list is a type of health thread" fontname="Cambria"]
# List of associations
#1..* healthcare actor defines 0..* health thread
7 -> 16 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="defines" fontname="Cambria"]
#1..* healthcare actor applies 0..* care plan
7 -> 72 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="applies" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 healthcare actor identifies or states 0..* healthcare matter
7 -> 33 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="identifies or states" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 health thread delineates 0..1 episodes of care bundle
16 -> 83 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="delineates" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* health thread links 0..* health thread
16 -> 16 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="links" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* health thread links 0..* healthcare matter
16 -> 33 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="links" fontname="Cambria"]
#1 health thread delineates 0..1 health concern
16 -> 136 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="delineates" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* care plan 0..* care plan
72 -> 72 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* care plan addresses 0..* health thread
72 -> 16 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="addresses" fontname="Cambria"]
#0..* continuity facilitator mandate has topic 0..* health thread
102 -> 16 [constraint=false, dir="forward" label="has topic" fontname="Cambria"]
Some PS
Simple graph - health problem list